
How to Hire Quality Candidates in 7 Easy Steps

HR Service Solution

Are good people hard to find?

If good people are hard for you to find, you need to reevaluate your recruitment strategy to recruit quality candidates. The Business Dictionary defines business recruitment as the process of finding and employing the best-qualified candidates for a job opening from within or outside of an organization in a manner which is both time and cost-effective. The recruitment process includes analyzing job requirements, attracting employees to the job, screening and selecting applicants, hiring and integrating new employees into the organization.

Recruitment is a core function of human resource management. It is the very first step of hiring. Companies are now adopting a global approach when recruiting. Hiring quality candidates can be done through varied platforms other than the usual internal and external recruiting. Companies must adopt a well-thought-out process for hiring quality candidates by evaluating them across different areas of work specialization. Consider the following strategies as recruitment tools.

1. Company Description

One way organizations can recruit is to write out job descriptions and adopting the “Need Supplies” approach. This method highlights the benefits the company can provide to the candidate. Researchers have found a great response from candidates on “Need Supplies” over its counterpart, “Demand Abilities” approach. The job description should include statements like, “The Company aims at fostering career growth of employees along with lucrative opportunities to collaborate with talented people”. By focusing on the benefits the candidates can receive from the company’s end, an organization will be able to attract quality candidates that value growth and collaboration.

2. Digital Trends and Social MediaSeekerSolutionFinal-95

Companies should be updated with the latest technology trends. A survey conducted by Deloitte and MIT proved the average job seeker tends to work for digitally supported businesses. This requires companies to be current or ahead of the technology curve in order to retain quality staff. Companies are also using social media to recruit employees by viewing profiles on career-oriented sites like LinkedIn, Monster, and XING. Mobile recruiting is another promising premise allowing recruiters to connect with candidates more efficiently.

3. Soft Skills Over Technical Skills

The overall growth of an organization requires employees to be well-rounded, not just technically sound. Not that technical skills aren’t important, on the contrary. What we are saying is that nowadays, candidates must be technically proficient as well as excel in other behavioral aspects. This includes social intelligence, interpersonal skills, command over communication, emotional intelligence and a well-aligned thought process. These are skills that aren’t as easily taught as technical knowledge and good recruiters are identifying these strengths in their candidates.

4. Job Auditions

One of the most effective ways to hire quality candidates is by asking them to solve a problem that they could face on the job. Discussing these responses helps the recruiter analyze both the candidate’s behavior and approach. Prior to the formal interview candidates could be given an activity to work on that they might have to do as a part of their job this helps recruiters make an accurate judgment of candidates potential.

5. Background ChecksSeekerSolutionFinal-40

Verifying the information given by candidates is an important factor in hiring. Contact the candidate’s previous direct supervisor, check educational credentials, and verify credit and criminal history if any. Checking social media profiles is another key element as it helps in skill assessment in cases where candidates have blog posts or portfolio work.


6. Quality Interviews

Leadership IQ stresses the importance of cohesive interviews focusing on both technical competence of employees as well as temperament, motivation and other factors. Frame questions in a way for the candidate to express themselves freely. For example, questions like, “What motivates you to strive for excellence?” helps analyze the candidate’s drive and ambition.

7. Interviews Should be a Two-Way Street

Candidates should also be given a chance to ask questions about the job profile,  job security, promotions, and appraisals. Employers must give a realistic view of the work environment.  Companies should actively work on responding to reviews on online websites of the company, updating company’s profile and regularly update information about company’s culture and office environment.  Data provided by Glass Door shows most of the prospective employees check company websites before appearing for an interview to know more about the company’s reputation.

Recruit Quality Candidates

Recruiting is a vast field with many approaches. When executed well, the recruiter will acquire top talent for the organization. In addition, it will reflect positively on the public’s view of the organization. It can impact company reviews in news media, radio, and television. It can also place the company in a favorable light, resulting in an increased candidate pool.



